Sunday, March 1, 2009

her house

You are there. In her house. Among the wet paint smells. There is a mouth on the wall. There are eyes on the floor. They watch you. You close yours and dance as you did before. The eyes shut themselves and you become muddy impressions on their lids. The mouth opens and a tongue unrolls like a rough pink carpet. You step onto it. The tongue quivers under your feet. And disappears, taking you with it. You lose consciousness.

You wake and feel as though you are seeing the world for the first time. You see your mouth. It hangs open, as if in shock.

And you wait for her to come home.


  1. that's actually pretty good, gay

  2. lulz. that was a kick-ass acid trip.

  3. it is rather trippy, yes. and i'm convinced it would make more sense to the readers when they are under the influence.
