Wednesday, May 13, 2009

fools only

we sold out. of course we did. we sold out long before we sat down like dogs to paw wildly at ergonomic keyboards in our first desperate attempt to sell ourselves.
later we laughed and fed our spirits to the paper shredder. we learnt to compromise.
and we know, in our gentle, emasculated hearts that all the excitement we could ever possibly want from life is to be found inside that artificially cooled cubicle.
yes, only fools want freedom.


  1. Long time. But another really nice one indeed. Hope you have come out of your 'cubicle' and will write more :-) cheers.

  2. hilath, ur rite... mushi varah xaman vejje cubicle egge there ah gellifa innathaa dho... its been a long time..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hello children. it's been a while.

  5. yes, it's indeed been a while. pls write more from that cubicle :)
